Sunday, April 6, 2008

Culture to have a secure and endurig life

Culture could be a kind of behaviour peculiar to homosapiens together with material objects used as an integral part of this behaviour. So Culture includes: language, ideas,beliefs,customs, codes,institutions,tools,techniques,works of art,rituals and ceremonies among other elements.

The existence and use of Culture depends upon an ability possessed by humans alone. This ability is the capacity for rational or abstract thought. But the meaning of abstract it's not precise. The term Symboling has been proposed as a more suitable name for unique mental ability of humans that give meaning to things and certain events that won't be undestood with the senses alone; articulated speech for example, language is not inherent in the sounds themselves, it is given freely and arbitrarily to the sounds by human beings.
So Symbol is a thing that represents something, so words get a meaning when you link them, they get a sense and a direction. Borges is one of the representatives that postulates this concept regards Literature, as he says, a book is just an object before the act of reading begins, then the reader gives life to the symbols in this act and the magic of Literature takes place.
Culture is a whole which includes knowledge, belief,art,morals,law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of Society. In this case I have to share with you certain customs in africa, where women are castrated because they are not suposed to feel pleasure. I mean this is one of very many examples, or women in Latiamerica victims of Machismo.
Anthropologists have got into the agreement that Culture is a learned behaviour to ideas in the mind, logical construct, a defense mechanism and so on. Culture is an abstraction of behaviour,this conduct is transmitted by social than rather biological facts. Ideas in the mind become significant in society only as expressed in language, acts and objects. Nonbiological anthropology defines Culture as out of existance and without real,objective things and events in the external world .For Kroeber and Kluckhohn Culture is an abstraction fron concrete behaviour but it is not a behaviour.
When words are considered to human being, that's called behaviour(Psychology), when words are considered in terms of their relationship to one another producing lexicon, grammar, syntax, this is called Language ( Linguistics).
Culture, therefore is the name given to a class of things and events dependent upon Symboling.( words, drawings, objects etc).
We have to think then about the difference between the mind of man and that of the lower animals. To classify between one's relatives and to distinguish one class from another, for example the difference between uncles from cousins, defining and prohibiting incest among relatives.
The ability to symbol is a clear exmple with Hellen Keller's life. Her blindness and deafness made her build up a way tomake contact with the world.

Evolution of minding

The mind is considered as a process rather than a thing in which one finds symboling as the characteristic of a particular stage of developement: 1st Stage: it`s the simple reflexive stage in which behaviour is determined by the intrinsic properties of both, the organism and the thing reacted to. Example: The pupil of the eye contracted by light.
2nd Stage: it`s the conditioned reflex stage that is when the organism reacts through responses( Pavlov's experiment).
3rd Stage : it`s the instrumental stage.( an ape knocking down a banana with a stick) The response is determined by the intrinsic properties of the things involved: banana-stick
4th Stage: it's the symbol stage in which the configuration of behaviour involves nonintrinsic meanings.

The 4 Stages exibit an evolution of all living things, a movement in the direction of making life more secure and enduring.

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